The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India has released official notification inviting nominations for the National ICT Awards for school teachers for the year 2018 and 2019, from all States/UTs and Autonomous Educational Institutions under MHRD.
About National ICT Award for Teacher
Each awardee teacher will get an ICT Kit, a laptop and a commendation certificate. The awardees would be encouraged to function as mentors (resource persons) for their area to motivate and train other teachers. All the awardees will form a community of resource persons through networking. Selected initiatives would be shared as best practices across the country.
Eligibility Criteria for National ICT Award 2018 and 2019
School teachers of primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary schools working in any recognized school in the Indian Union under the following categories are eligible to apply:
(i) Schools run by State Govt./UTs Administration, schools run by local bodies, private schools affiliated to state boards, aided by State Govt. and UT Administration.
(ii) Central Govt. Schools i.e. Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs), Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA), Sainik Schools and Schools run by Ministry of Defence (MoD), Schools run by Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES).
(iii) Schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) (other than those at (i) and (ii) above)
(iv) Schools affiliated to Council for Indian Schools Certificate Examination (CISCE) (Other than those at (i), (ii) and (iii) above)
Note: State Governments/ UTs administration may not nominate teachers from any of the other categories.
Selection Procedure for National ICT Award
(I). For States & UT schools
Schools will send detailed entries in the prescribed format along with supporting documents to the Directorate of Education of the State/UT through the District Education Officer.
The Directorate of Education, with the help of a State-level Committee headed by Secretary (Secondary Education)/ SPD - Samagra Shiksha will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates and forward the same to the Joint Director, Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT, New Delhi - 110016 for further action. The number of candidates to be nominated will be twice the number of awards allotted.
(II). For others, i.e. Autonomous organizations/ institutions under Govt of India:
Schools will forward detailed entries in prescribed format along with supporting documents to the headquarters of the concerned organization i.e. KVS, NVS, CBSE, CISCE, CTSA, Sainik Schools under Ministry of Defence (MoD), AEES.
A Committee under the Head of the organization of the autonomous body will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidates and send the same to The Joint Director, CIET, NCERT New Delhi - 110016 for further action. The number of candidates to be nominated will be twice the number of awards allotted.
(III). At CIET the short listed candidates would be required to make presentations before a Committee. The composition of the Committee will be as follows:
a) Director, NCERT - Chairman
b) DDG, NIC - Member
c) Representative from Secondary Education Bureau, Dept of SE&L, Ministry of HRD - Member
d) Representative from Dept of IT - Member
e) Joint Director, CIET - Member Secretary
(IV). The Committee would recommend the requisite number of awardees to the Ministry with justification. At the Ministry level the proposal would be scrutinized before the approval of the Minister.
Allocation of National ICT Awards
(i) Three awards for each large State (teacher strength of 1 lakh or more) 14x3= 42
(ii) Two awards for each small State (teacher’s strength is less than1 lakh) 14x2= 28
(iii) One award for each UT 9x1= 9
(iv) Two awards each for KVS &NVS 2x2= 4
(v) Three awards for CBSE 3
(vi) One award for CISCE 1
(vii) One award for CTSA 1
(viii) One award for Sainik School and Schools under MoD 1
(ix) One award for schools under AEES 1
Total number of awards is 91.
Submit Nomination/ Entry for National ICT Award for Teachers
• A teacher Portfolio should be submitted along with the Entry Form.
• The portfolio should include evidence of the teacher’s awareness and use of ICT in his/ her own professional development, in improving his/ her teaching-learning, and in enhancing overall quality of education in schools and community.
• The portfolio should document sustained systematic work using ICT over the years related creation, duration, sharing, dissemination/use of digital contents for students, teaching-learning
and assessment.
• The portfolio should include relevant supporting documents, tools, reports of activities, field visits, photographs, audios or videos.
• E-contents listed in the portfolio (Audios, Videos, Multimedia, Charts, Maps, Models lesson plans and images) should be uploaded/ shared online. e-Contents developed by teachers needs to be uploaded on DIKSHA, NROER, etc.
List of documents to be attached along with Entry Form
• Teacher Portfolio
• Entry Form
• Supporting documents/ evidence [attach following supporting documents (soft copy and hard copy)]
• Supporting documents related to implementation of the ICT enabled teaching-learning with students. (e.g. photographs, field visit report, posters, banners, URL of website, group, blogs etc.)
• Students assignments related to ICT integration work (at least two samples)
• Assessment tools used
Other Important Points
• Nominations/ Entry of teachers should be sent to their parent organization through proper channel.
• Nomination/ Entry should not be sent directly to CIET-NCERT
• Nomination/ Entry for the year 2018 and 2019 shall be obtained online through portal.
Important Dates for National ICT Award 2020
• Last date for submission of nominations by school teachers to the Secretary (Education) of States/UTs/Autonomous bodies is 31st July, 2020.
• Last date for submission of shortlisted nominations by the Secretary of States/UTs/Autonomous organisations to CIET, NCERT is 31st August, 2020.
Important Web-Links
Entry Form and ICT Award Guidelines for 2018 and 2019 : MS Word | PDF
Official Notification: English | Hindi
Official Website: Click Here