NEIFM Arunachal Pradesh Recruitment 2020 – 2 Assistant & Accountant Vacancy
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NEIFM Arunachal Pradesh Recruitment 2020 – 2 Assistant & Accountant Vacancy

North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM).
Last Date: 45 days.

North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM) invites applications for recruitment to the following posts of Assistant and Accountant by Deputation failing which by Direct Recruitment as per details given below. 

NEIFM Arunachal Pradesh Recruitment

1. Assistant
No of posts:

Eligibility Criteria:

For Deputation:
Officers of the Central/State Autonomous bodies fully funded by the Government and holding Analogous posts, or Posts in Pay Band-1 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400 having 6 yrs regular
service holding a degree from a recognized University.
For Direct Recruitment:
- A Degree from a recognized University.
- At least 6 years experience as UDC in Government Central/State Govt./Autonomous Bodies.
- Knowledge of operating computer.
- Experience in Administration, vigilance, Accounts/budget.

Pay: Pay Matrix Level 6 as per 7th CPC equivalent to Rs.9,300-34,800 + GP- Rs.4,200 (PB-2)
Age: 30 years. Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC candidates.

2. Accountant
No of posts:

Eligibility Criteria:

For Direct Recruitment:
- Bachelor degree in Commerce of a recognized university
- Proficiency in working with MS-word, PowerPoint and other software packages relevant for administration/ secretarial work.
For Deputation:
Lower Division Clerk working in Govt/Govt. Autonomous bodies having 5 year experience in Accounts/ Budget matters.
Candidates having Degree/ Diploma in Financial Management and or experience of working in Govt./autonomous bodies will be given preference.

Pay Matrix Level 4 as per 7th CPC.
Age Limit: 30 years. Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC candidates.

How to apply for NEIFM Arunachal Pradesh Recruitment 

The application complete in all respects must be sent through proper channel to Director, North Eastern Institute of Folk medicine, Government of India, Ministry of AYUSH, OPP. APST Bus Station, PO-Pasighat, Distt.- East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh-791102 within 45 days from the date of the publication of the advertisement.

Envelope containing application should be super scribed with "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_______" .

Advertisement Details: Link 1 | Link 2 .