Chilarai College, Golakganj.
Last Date: 15 Days.
Applications (format available in the college website as well as in DHE website are invited from candidates having latest UGC norms for 1(one) permanent sanctioned post of Assistant Professor in History preferably from modern group (Reserved for OBC/ MOBC) in the revised UGC scale of pay.
Name of post: Assistant Professor in History
No of posts: 1 [OBC/ MOBC]
Age: The upper age limit of the candidates as on. 01-01-2019 is 38 years which is relaxed up to 3 years for OBC /MOBC candidates.
Educational Qualification: The candidate must have at least 55% marks at Master Degree level. The applicants must also possess NET/ SLET/SET on the date of submission of application. Those candidate who are awarded Ph.D. in accordance with the UGC (Minimum standard and procedure for award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009 are exempted from the requirement of the condition of NET/SLET/SET.
* In-service candidates should apply through proper channel with NOC from the competent authority.
* The candidate must have proficiency in local language.
How to apply: Application with all relevant document along with a Demand draft of Rs. 2000/-only drawn in favour of Principal, Chilarai College, Golakganj, Payable at SBI, Golakganj Branch must reach the Principal, Chilarai College within a period of 15 days from the date of publication [25/10/2019] of the advertisement.
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Last Date: 15 Days.
Applications (format available in the college website as well as in DHE website are invited from candidates having latest UGC norms for 1(one) permanent sanctioned post of Assistant Professor in History preferably from modern group (Reserved for OBC/ MOBC) in the revised UGC scale of pay.
Name of post: Assistant Professor in History
No of posts: 1 [OBC/ MOBC]
Age: The upper age limit of the candidates as on. 01-01-2019 is 38 years which is relaxed up to 3 years for OBC /MOBC candidates.
Educational Qualification: The candidate must have at least 55% marks at Master Degree level. The applicants must also possess NET/ SLET/SET on the date of submission of application. Those candidate who are awarded Ph.D. in accordance with the UGC (Minimum standard and procedure for award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009 are exempted from the requirement of the condition of NET/SLET/SET.
* In-service candidates should apply through proper channel with NOC from the competent authority.
* The candidate must have proficiency in local language.
How to apply: Application with all relevant document along with a Demand draft of Rs. 2000/-only drawn in favour of Principal, Chilarai College, Golakganj, Payable at SBI, Golakganj Branch must reach the Principal, Chilarai College within a period of 15 days from the date of publication [25/10/2019] of the advertisement.
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