T.H.B. College, Jamugurihat Recruitment 2018: Assistant Professor
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T.H.B. College, Jamugurihat Recruitment 2018: Assistant Professor

T.H.B. College, Jamugurihat.
Last Date: 15/07/2018.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates having U.G.C. norms for the following posts of Assistant Professors.

Name of post: Assistant Professor 

a. 2(two) posts each on temporary (Ad-hoc) basis in the departments of History and Economics (one post open and other B.Sc. in Economics or B.A. with Mathematics in general subject).

b. 1(one) post each on temporary (Ad-hoc) basis in the departments of Statistics, Chemistry (special-Organic Chemistry), Botany, Education, Political Science, Mathematics, Geography (special-Morphology/GIF Remote Sensing)

c. 1(one) post in the department of English(Lien) against UGC study leave for a period of 1(one) year having Ph.D./NET/SLET.

Salary negotiable for Ad-hoc posts.

Application Fee: A bank draft of Rs. 500/-(five hundred) only is to be enclosed for the post.

How to apply: Applications must reach to the Principal i/c, T.H.B. College, Jamugurihat-784189, Dist. Sonitpur (Assam) by post on or before 15-07-2018. 

Date of interview: Interview will be held on 24-07-2018 for Economics, Statistics, History, Chemistry, Botany and 25-07-2018 for Education, Political Science, Mathematics, Geography, English(Lien) from 11.00 a.m. onwards. No TA/DA will be provided.

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