Rajya Sabha Secretariat Recruitment 2017 - Interpreter, Translator, Officer, Stenographer, Secretariat Assistant
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Rajya Sabha Secretariat Recruitment 2017 - Interpreter, Translator, Officer, Stenographer, Secretariat Assistant

Rajya Sabha Secretariat.
Last Date: 18/08/2017.

Online applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens to fill up the following posts in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat as per tentative vacancy position given below:
  1.     Parliamentary Interpreter (English/Hindi) : 01 post
  2.     Parliamentary Interpreter (Odia) : 01 post
  3.     Assistant Legislative/Committee/Protocol/Executive Officer : 20 posts
  4.     Stenographer (English) : 11 posts
  5.     Security Assistant Grade-II : 21 posts
  6.     Secretariat Assistant(English) : 30 posts
  7.     Secretariat Assistant (Hindi) : 07 posts
  8.     Secretariat Assistant (Urdu) : 02 posts
  9.     Translator : 19 posts
  10.     Proof Reader : 03 posts
Application Fee : Rs. 300/- through online mode only i.e. Net Banking, Credit or Debit Card. SC, ST, PWD, Female and Ex-Serviceman candidates are not required to pay the application fee.

How to Apply: Candidate should visit the website of Rajya Sabha i.e. http://www.rajyasabha.nic.in and click on the hyperlink “Apply Online” from 25/07/2016 to 18/08/2017 only.

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Please visit Notice Board section at Rajya Sabha  Website at  http://rajyasabha.nic.in to view details and online submission of application.