JNV Golaghat Recruitment 2017 - Female Matron [Walk-in]
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JNV Golaghat Recruitment 2017 - Female Matron [Walk-in]

JNV Golaghat.
Last Date: 27/06/2017.

Application are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up of vacant post of Matron for JNV Golaghat, Assam purely on contractual basis on fixed remuneration per month for the academic session 2017-18 as per details given below.

Name of post: Matron (Female)
No of posts:
Educational Qualification: Class X passed.
Age: 35 to 50 years.

Pay : 7,500/- pm (conditions apply)

Place of Duty: JNV Chinatoli Golaghat, Assam

Date of Interview: 27.06.2017 at 11.00 am

Preference will be given to war widow, widows of a Govt. Servant who have died in harness and ladies without encumbrances.

How to apply: Willing candidates may appear interview on 27.06.2017 (Tuesday) at 11 am in JNV, Chinatoli, Golaghat. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Walk-in-interview.
