O/o Executive Engineer, P.W.D. Guwahati Electrical Division.
Last Date: 10/03/2017.
Application in Standard Form as prescribed in Part-IX of Assam Gazette are invited from the intending eligible candidates who are citizen of India for filling-up of the following Vacant post of Junior Assistant under the office of the Executive Engineer, P.W.D. Guwahati Electrical Division, Chandmari, Guwahati – 3.
Last Date: 10/03/2017.
Application in Standard Form as prescribed in Part-IX of Assam Gazette are invited from the intending eligible candidates who are citizen of India for filling-up of the following Vacant post of Junior Assistant under the office of the Executive Engineer, P.W.D. Guwahati Electrical Division, Chandmari, Guwahati – 3.
Name of post: Junior Assistant
No of post: 04 post
Educational Qualification:
(i) Passed H.S.L.C. and its equivalent Examination.
(ii) Diploma in type writing, both in English & Assamese with minimum requisite speed.
(iii) Diploma / Certificate of computer skills for handling data and text on computer.
Age (01.01.2017): 18 (Eighteen) to 38 (Thirty eight) relaxation shall be given to reserved category as per rule in force.
Terms and Condition:
1. Candidates must be Indian citizen as defined in Article 55 of the Constitution of India.
2. The application in prescribed format must be accompanied by the following.
(i) Attested copies of all certificates regarding educational and other Qualification-Age, Diploma, Caste, B.P.L. card etc.
(ii) 2 (two) copies of self-attested recent passport size Photograph.
(iii) Self-addressed Envelop affixing Postal Stamps of Rs.5.00 (Rupees five) only for dispatching calling letter.
3. The candidates must have registered their name with employment Exchange and upto date renewal is required.
4. Departmental candidates may also apply through proper channel.
5. Candidates will have to appear in a written test. Eligible and selected candidates will have to appear for Computer Test, Type Writing, Viva Voce/interview.
6. Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the Scheduled date will not be accepted.
7. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the Written Test/ Viva Voce.
8. The application form as stated above, should be submitted in sealed envelop denoting the name of post on top of the envelop and should reach the undersigned within stipulated time.
9. Last date of submission of Application on 10.03.2017.
10. Date and place of Written test, Computer test, Type writing, Viva voce/interview shall be communicated to the Eligible candidate.
11. I.P.O. of Rs.150/- (One hundred fifty) only for SC, ST(P), ST(H), O.B.C., M.O.B.C. and Nil for B.P.L. (Certificate holders only) in favour of Executive Engineer, P.W.D. Guwahati Electrical Division, Chandmari, Guwahati – 3 payable at Guwahati should be enclosed with the application form.