Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhijan (RMSA), Assam
Last Date: 13/12/2016.
A walk in interview in the State Mission Office of Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhijan (RMSA), Assam is to be conducted for the position of “Special Educator” under IEDSS Scheme of RMSA, Assam purely on contractual basis for a period of 11 months. Candidates having requisite qualification recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India may apply for the position of Special Educator.
Name of post: Special Educator
No of posts: 22 posts
Pay: Consolidated Rs 15,000/- per month.
Age: Upto 43 Years (for SC/ST/OBC/MOBC extra 5 years).
Educational Qualification:
1. Graduation (50%) with B.Ed Special Education Recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India OR 2. Graduation (50%) with B.Ed (General ) with Diploma or Certificate Course in Special Education recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India OR
3. Graduation (50%) with Diploma in Special Education recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India OR
4. Graduation (55%) with Perusing B.Ed Special Education (successful completion of 1st year) with minimum Certificate Course in Special Education recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India (but they have to give an undertaking that they will complete B Ed Special Education within 2 years).
Other Essential Requisites:
1. Registered member of Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).
2. Candidates must have MIL in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo in school leaving examination or must have studied in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo medium school.
2. Candidates must have MIL in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo in school leaving examination or must have studied in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo medium school.
Venue of Interview: State Mission Office , RMSA, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati.
Date & Time of the Walk in Interview: 13th Dec 2016 10:00 AM
How to apply: The applying person must be one, who has the flair and dedication to work in a Mission Mode situation. The interested candidates can get detail information regarding educational qualification, work experience etc from RMSA, Assam Website: www.rmsaassam.in.
Advertisement Details: Pl check http://rmsaassam.in/pdf/iedss/Upload21112016.pdf