Delhi Police.
Last Date: 27/01/2020.
Online applications are invited from Male and Female Indian citizens for filling up the following vacancies for the post of temporary Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele-printer Operator (Head Constable) (Group 'C’) in Delhi Police in Level-4 in pay matrix (25500-81100) plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government Employees from time to time.
Name of post: Head Constable (AWO/ TPO)
No of posts: 649 [Male: 435, Female: 214]
Category-wise vacancies:
General/ UR: 223 Posts
EWS: 65 Posts
OBC: 153 Posts
SC: 126 Posts
ST: 82 Posts
Pay: Level- 4 in pay matrix Rs.25,500/- to Rs.81,100/- plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government Employees from time to time.
Age: Candidates age must be between 18 years to 27 years as on 1st July 2019. Category wise age relaxation details is below mentioned.
OBC: 30 Years
SC/ST: 32 Years
Educational Qualification: 10+2 (Senior Secondary) pass from a recognized Board with Science & Mathematics as subjects.
National Trade Certificate (NTC) in the trade of Mechanic-Cum-Operator Electronic Communication System.
Professional Requirement:
* English word processing speed-1000 key depressions in 15 minutes.
* Basic knowledge of Computer Functions:- Opening/Closing of PC, printing, MS office usage, saving & modification in typed text, paragraph setting & numbering etc.
Application Fee: The application fee would be 100/- (only online). SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen and women candidates are exempted from payment of fee.
How to apply: Candidates need to fill online applications at the official online application portal of Delhi Police , i.e.,
Important Dates:
* Starting date of online application: 28th December 2019
* Starting date of online application: 27th January 2020
For details, the applicants are requested to go through the detailed advertisement appearing in the Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar dated 28.12.2019 and Delhi Police website:
Advertisement Details: Pl check here / here.
Apply Online: Click Here . [Link Activated]
Last Date: 27/01/2020.
Online applications are invited from Male and Female Indian citizens for filling up the following vacancies for the post of temporary Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele-printer Operator (Head Constable) (Group 'C’) in Delhi Police in Level-4 in pay matrix (25500-81100) plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government Employees from time to time.
Name of post: Head Constable (AWO/ TPO)
No of posts: 649 [Male: 435, Female: 214]
Category-wise vacancies:
General/ UR: 223 Posts
EWS: 65 Posts
OBC: 153 Posts
SC: 126 Posts
ST: 82 Posts
Pay: Level- 4 in pay matrix Rs.25,500/- to Rs.81,100/- plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government Employees from time to time.
Age: Candidates age must be between 18 years to 27 years as on 1st July 2019. Category wise age relaxation details is below mentioned.
OBC: 30 Years
SC/ST: 32 Years
Educational Qualification: 10+2 (Senior Secondary) pass from a recognized Board with Science & Mathematics as subjects.
National Trade Certificate (NTC) in the trade of Mechanic-Cum-Operator Electronic Communication System.
Professional Requirement:
* English word processing speed-1000 key depressions in 15 minutes.
* Basic knowledge of Computer Functions:- Opening/Closing of PC, printing, MS office usage, saving & modification in typed text, paragraph setting & numbering etc.
Application Fee: The application fee would be 100/- (only online). SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen and women candidates are exempted from payment of fee.
How to apply: Candidates need to fill online applications at the official online application portal of Delhi Police , i.e.,
Important Dates:
* Starting date of online application: 28th December 2019
* Starting date of online application: 27th January 2020
For details, the applicants are requested to go through the detailed advertisement appearing in the Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar dated 28.12.2019 and Delhi Police website:
Advertisement Details: Pl check here / here.
Apply Online: Click Here . [Link Activated]