Narcotics Control Bureau Recruitment 2018: Junior Intelligence Officer [166 posts] [on Deputation basis]
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Narcotics Control Bureau Recruitment 2018: Junior Intelligence Officer [166 posts] [on Deputation basis]

Narcotics Control Bureau.
Last Date: 60 Days.

Narcotics Control Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, intends to fill up 166 existing vacancies in the grade of Junior Intelligence Officer on deputation basis. The vacancies may vary (increase/decrease). The selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere in India in any of the Zones/Sub-Zones/Regional Offices/Headquarters of Narcotics Control Bureau.

Name of post: Junior Intelligence Officer
No of posts:

Age: Not more than 56 years of age on the closing date of receipt of application.
Pay: PB-2 (Rs.9300- 34800) plus Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- (pre-revised) [Level-6 as per 7t CPC Pay Matrix].

Educational Qualification :
Bachelor's degree from a recognized University/institute.
Experience: Two years' experience in enforcement of regulatory laws and collection of intelligence information thereto.
Desirable: One year's experience in investigation of criminal offenses or economic offenses.

Deputation :

Officers of the Central/State Governments/Union Territories
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department ;
(ii) With 6 (six) years' regular service in the Level-5 (Rs.29,200-92,300) of the Pay Matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department ; and

Job Description/Duties:
• Enforcement of Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.
• Collection & development of Intelligence, Investigation, search, seizure and arrest (including financial investigation);
• Initiating trial in courts.
• Initiating action under PITNDPS Act.
• Attending trial in courts.
• Identification and destruction of illicit opium and cannabis cultivation;
• Demand Reduction activities
• Training of officers/personnel of other drug law enforcement agencies
• Coordination with other drug law enforcement agencies
• Any other duties as assigned/allocated by Superior Officers.

Term of deputation: The term of the deputation will be governed in accordance with the Department of Personnel & Training's OM No.6/8/2009- Estt.(Pay II) dated 17.6.2010, OM No.2/6/2016-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17.02.2016 and MHA, Police-II Division Policy Guidelines No.1-20122/03/2016-Pers.II dated 22nd Nov'2016, as amended from time to time,

Period of Deputation : Ordinarily not exceeding three years including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post immediately preceding the appointment, extendable upto 07 years subject to suitability and performance, as per DoP&T & MHA guidelines issued from time to time. No further extension will be granted in any case.

How to apply: Application (Curriculum Vitae) in the enclosed format of willing and eligible officers whose services can be spared, without delay, in the event of their selection may be forwarded through proper channel along with
(i) copies of APARs for the last 5 years duly attested (with stamp) on each page by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India or equivalent,
(ii) Integrity Certificate
(iii) vigilance clearance certificate as per proforma enclosed &
(iv) major/minor penalty statement for the last 10 years and Cadre clearance certificate incorporating that, "in the event of his/her selection, he/she will be relieved to join NCB on deputation basis" so as to reach the Deputy Director(Admn.), Narcotics Control Bureau, West Block No.1, Wing No.5, R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110066, within 60 days from the date of issue [11/102018] of this circular.

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