Central Silk Board, Guwahati Recruitment 2018 - Project Assistant [Walk-in]
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Central Silk Board, Guwahati Recruitment 2018 - Project Assistant [Walk-in]

Central Silk Board, Guwahati.
Last Date: 06/07/2018.

Eligible candidates are invited for walk-in-interview for the post of one Project Assistant at Regional Office, Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Guwahati.

Name of post: Project Assistant
No of posts:

Essential Qualification: B.Sc. (Bio Science)
Desirable Qualification: Post graduate Diploma in Sericulture/ Knowledgeable in Sericulture.

Pay: Rs. 15,000/- (Consolidated)

Age : 28 years (Relaxation as per Govt. Rules)

The interview will be conducted on 06th July, 2018 at 10 AM.

Place of Venue:

Regional Office, Central Silk Board,
Ministry of Textiles,
Govt. of India,
CSB Complex, State Muga Farm
Khanapara, Guwahati-781022

How to Apply: The eligible candidates are advised to be present at the venue by 9:00 AM with originals and attested photocopies of all Certificates and Degrees from 10th onwards and a passport size photograph. No admission will be allowed after 12 Noon.

Important points:
1. Age limit: Not more than 28 years as on the date of interview (relaxation of 5 years for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/OBC, physically handicapped applicants).
2. No TA/DA will be provided to attend the interview.
3. The Project Assistant shall be ready to work on tour in the project implementing areas of North Eastern States as and when required and having good knowledge in Computer works.
4. The above mentioned position is purely temporary on contractual basis and is co-terminus with the project. Further claim for any post will not be entertained thereafter.
5. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
6. The decision of the Scientist-D & Head shall be final and binding in all respect.
7. Incomplete documents will summarily be rejected.
8. Reporting time at 9:00 AM at the respective venue.